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VDOT District 2 Inventory Collection
PILLAR utilized decades-old plan sheets, LiDAR scanning technology, and crews on the ground with an iPad and InfraTrak to conduct inventory and assess more than 40 asset types on interstates and U.S. highways in the Salem Districts. Assets inventoried included 4,700 signs, 1,198 guardrail terminals, 1,088 drop inlet catch basins, 828 light poles, 408 pavement messages, and 205 miles of longitudinal guardrail. The Virginia Department of Transportation took this information and used it for the development of its work plans and budgets.

VDOT District 6 Pipe Assessment
PILLAR collected inventory and assessed the condition of all the drainage pipe and structures located along the I-95 corridor (mainline and ramps) in Caroline, Spotsylvania, and Stafford Counties for Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Fredericksburg District Office. PILLAR’s office personnel geo-referenced design plan sheets to obtain the initial GPS position of the structures into a GIS database.