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Solving Congested Rest & Parking Areas for Commercial Drivers

According to the American Trucking Association, there were 3.54 million truck drivers working in American in 2022. That’s a 1.5% increase from 2021. The industry is exploding thanks in no small part to the continuing increase in e-commerce, which has significantly increased demand of delivery services.  Unfortunately, truck parking capacity has not been able to keep […]

Don’t Let Unpaid Third-Party Damage Claims Cause a Bad Day.  
PILLAR Can Help.

Let’s face it, traffic accidents cause bad days for all involved. Unfortunately, for transportation asset managers getting the damage repaired is often just the beginning of the bad day saga. Collecting third-party damage claims from a driver’s insurance company is critical to getting funds you need. If not dealt with quickly and thoroughly, DOTs can […]

The 2022 Infrastructure Law: Positioning Your Shovel-Ready
Transportation Project for Success

The 2022 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law addresses long-needed funding to state and local governments for thousands of “shovel-ready” transportation infrastructure improvement projects in all 50 states, D.C., and Puerto Rico. Over a period of five years, the law provides an unprecedented investment of $350 billion in highway programs for state and local governments to tackle long-overdue improvements […]

working on a clogged culvert

Benefits of Proactive Culvert Cleaning

As summer heats up, so do thunderstorms. This can mean sudden inundation of heavy rain, increasing the risk of dangerous flooding for your assets. Flooding is a serious issue that is exacerbated by blocked culverts which can cause road collapse resulting in trapped residents at best and loss of life at worst. To stay ahead […]

Overgrown grass

How Knowing Your Mowing Acreage Helps You Avoid Cost Increases

If you use mowing contractors, you may be familiar with the incremental “bump” in acres/prices that happens as they spend more time, labor, and resources to fulfill their mowing duties. That’s because often contractors accidentally begin mowing more and more areas. This scope creep is unintentional; sometimes, it’s just a normal byproduct of the job […]

How Proactive Ditch Cleaning Mitigates Emergency Mobilization

As an asset manager, you know how hard it can be to stay in front of potential emergencies. Asset management is a complex, ever-changing landscape and part of the job involves responding to unforeseen events. However, many asset managers report that 80% of their job is dealing with crisis and only 20% is devoted to […]

Man frustrated while reading over a request for proposal (RFP)

Are You Getting What You Ask for in Your LiDAR RFP?

If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. Beware of any proposal that doesn’t spell out target accuracy requirement details and is coupled with a lower price. You may be left with inaccurate data that will cost you much more down the road, opening you up to costly change orders. A responsive and […]

DOT Strategies to Alleviate the National Snowplow Driver Shortage

For the third straight year in a row, DOTs are facing a shortage of snowplow drivers. A survey by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials shows that 84% of respondents reported higher to much higher snowplow operator vacancies than normal.  Snowplows are a critical component of keeping the roadways clear during winter storms. Without […]