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man inspecting bridge

Bridges on the Brink:
DOTs Overwhelmed by Bridge Inspections

Most DOT asset managers have tens of thousands of bridges to maintain at acceptable service levels. That’s a lot of inspections and condition assessments to work through, not to mention getting the maintenance done. Worrying about the condition and safety of the bridges you are responsible for is enough to keep you up at night.     […]

guardrail hit notification on iphone

AI in the Transportation Industry:
Fusing Human Experience with Powerful Computing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been utilized in the background of many professions for years to analyze data and provide users with evidence-based predictions and recommendations. As developments in AI continue to make headlines, the news is greeted with a mixture of excitement and concern. It’s understandably a hot topic across industries and transportation is no […]

Staff Shortages Leave Critical Work Undone 

Calm the chaos with Staff Augmentation. A tight job market, retirements, cutbacks and hiring freezes create chaos for transportation operations and maintenance teams, often leaving jobs unfilled and critical maintenance undone. Calm your chaos with staff augmentation, a solution that temporarily adds experienced people to your team when and where you need them. Last year, PILLAR […]

PILLAR’s Technical Writers Provide Vital Resources for DOTs

Don’t face another day mired in paperwork. PILLAR has full-time technical writers ready to step in to develop contracts and technical documents for your agency.  Technical writers are a critical resource for your transportation asset management and operations team because they create documentation, contracts and other written materials that help keep transportation systems moving forward. […]

Don’t Slide on Slope Stabilization

As a transportation asset manager, one of your worst bad days is to receive an alert that a slope collapsed on one of your roadways. This treacherous situation can result in fatalities and/or roadway closures and require significant expenditures to repair.  Put a plan in place to help prevent this bad day scenario from happening […]

Time for Roadside Vegetation Maintenance:
Ensuring Safer Roads

It’s time to gear up your crews for a crucial task. As the trees prepare to shed their leaves in preparation for fall and winter, the upcoming months provide an ideal opportunity to tackle essential roadside tree trimming and highway vegetation control. This initiative not only enhances the safety of your community’s roadways but also […]

Can You Read the Signs?
Inventory and Fix Faded & Missing Roadway Signs Quickly

The traveling public relies on roadway signs for navigation and information. But keeping track of hundreds or thousands of signs is a challenge. PILLAR’s inventory service and assessment tools will help you replace faded and missing roadway signs and stop potential problems for drivers before they start. Signs of Trouble Faded roadway signs. Drivers rely […]

Solving Congested Rest & Parking Areas for Commercial Drivers

According to the American Trucking Association, there were 3.54 million truck drivers working in American in 2022. That’s a 1.5% increase from 2021. The industry is exploding thanks in no small part to the continuing increase in e-commerce, which has significantly increased demand of delivery services.  Unfortunately, truck parking capacity has not been able to keep […]