Roadway operations and maintenance

Importance of Roadway Operations and Maintenance

In our world today we have an incredible amount of freedom to move about wherever and whenever we want. We just hop in the car, spend some time on the road and voila. We go to work, visit friends and family, or just go out for ice cream. But sometimes we find ourselves asking, “Why […]

Pillar Land Surveyor

Why Land Surveyors Are On Your Property

“Hey, you there!” “Can I ask what you are doing on my property?!” Every Land Surveyor at some point in his or her career has heard this very question. Trespassing as defined by Meriam Webster’s Dictionary is “an unlawful act committed on the person, property, or rights of another, one of these unlawful acts is […]

Roadway drainage asset

3 Roadway Drainage Maintenance Tips

Rain, and more specifically drainage maintenance, is key to well managed roadways. After the structures and pavement, drainage is the third most important asset making up a roadway system. Drainage consists of everything from main storm drain trunk lines to ditches and all the way down to pavement under-drains. Preventive and proactive maintenance is critical […]