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AI in the Transportation Industry:
Fusing Human Experience with Powerful Computing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been utilized in the background of many professions for years to analyze data and provide users with evidence-based predictions and recommendations. As developments in AI continue to make headlines, the news is greeted with a mixture of excitement and concern. It’s understandably a hot topic across industries and transportation is no different. 

At PILLAR, we’re here to help. In this article, we’ve broken down some typical applications for AI in transportation and covered the ways we’re combining human experience with powerful computing to give you the gold-standard in transportation asset management.

What is Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning? 

Columbia University defines AI as, “the general ability of computers to emulate human thought and perform tasks in real-world environments.” Simply put, AI is a broad term for machines that can process, communicate, and adapt to information. Machine learning is a subset of the larger category of AI that “refers to the technologies and algorithms that enable systems to identify patterns, make decisions, and improve themselves through experience and data.” 

AI Applications in the Transportation Industry

The transportation industry is notoriously complex. Each case, project, or asset is subject to hundreds if not thousands of variables, making predictions and management difficult. AI is a powerful tool to harness your data, tame the variables, and take back control of your job. Here are a few examples of how AI is addressing the challenges in transportation.

  • Asset Management: AI is increasingly being used in the transportation asset management world to great effect. Managers can input data into an AI system and receive predictions on operational and maintenance needs throughout the lifecycle of the asset. Data-based predictions can also forecast the end of an asset lifecycle, making it easier to budget and plan for updates and projects.  
  • Automated Feature Extraction Systems: With AI, gathering insights about your assets has never been more accurate or efficient. Automated Feature Extraction Systems have the capacity to gather data via photo or videos and utilize machine learning to correctly identify signs, guardrails and more. This saves managers hundreds of hours by eliminating the point-and-click method of data extraction in which managers manually combed through data.

PILLAR Combines Human Experience with Powerful Computing

It may feel like AI is ushering into a brave new world where everything is automated (including jobs). Since AI technology is constantly evolving, it’s hard to get clarity on what AI can actually deliver. At PILLAR, we find that AI shines when it works in tandem with people. That’s because while most people are no match for the computing power of AI, there’s no substitute for human wisdom and experience.  

For example, our Automated Feature Extraction System (AFES) uses multiple algorithms simultaneously to classify various assets and obtain their attributes. AFES reduces cost and time up to tenfold—that’s a huge cost savings for resource-strapped departments! But the system isn’t running the show. That’s the job of our experts who understand every aspect of AFES in addition to the transportation industry landscape. If AFES provides wrong outputs, our experts know it immediately and can course correct. At PILLAR you get the power of AI to increase efficiency but the wisdom of experienced professionals to keep you on track.

Contact PILLAR

AI is only as good as the data you feed it and the people who manage it. We view AI as a tool to help transportation asset management companies save time, money, and lives.

One of the best ways to reap the benefits of AI for your transportation asset company is to work with experts who can help. At PILLAR, we integrate AI into our solutions for dozens of happy clients through our proven CAPE approach. It’s a smart solution that fuses technology with human expertise to navigate challenges with precision.

Contact PILLAR to learn more about how we can help make AI work for you.

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Staff Shortages Leave Critical Work Undone 

Calm the chaos with Staff Augmentation.

A tight job market, retirements, cutbacks and hiring freezes create chaos for transportation operations and maintenance teams, often leaving jobs unfilled and critical maintenance undone. Calm your chaos with staff augmentation, a solution that temporarily adds experienced people to your team when and where you need them.

Last year, PILLAR supported municipalities and DOTs by providing more than 56,000 hours in staff augmentation for essential positions such as contract management, bridge, program planning, inclement weather operations, and guardrail, pipe and pavement inspectors. All in effort to help improve safety and maintain smooth operations.

About Staff Augmentation

Transportation asset management and operations agencies routinely leverage staff augmentation services by bringing temporary or contract professionals on board to address critical staffing gaps or manage specific projects. This is especially helpful when organizations need quick access to specialized skills or expertise not readily available within those organizations. 

You’ll see immediate results with PILLAR’s staff augmentation service. These benefits include:

Specialized skills: PILLAR delivers professionals with specific skill sets that are not readily available or deep enough in your organization. 

Flexibility: Staff augmentation through PILLAR allows your organization to remain flexible by helping you manage short-term needs without the long-term commitment and costs of hiring an employee. 

Cost efficiency: Don’t go to the expense of hiring specialized staff for a short-term need. Hiring employees is expensive and training is time consuming which can result in costly implementation delays.  

Faster implementation: Eliminate the knowledge gap that comes with hiring a new employee or changing the focus of an existing one.

Reduce knowledge gaps among new hires: Plug the knowledge gap left after a senior employee exits the workforce. 

Risk mitigation: Compliance regulations and standards are complex to navigate. PILLAR’s technical writers and safety managers keep your organization within compliance and avoid potential operational issues.

Contact Us Today

Don’t staff shortages contribute to your next bad day. PILLAR’s experienced professionals will keep your agency operating efficiently and safely and allow you to maximize available resources. Complete the form below or call us at 276-223-0500 to find out how our staff augmentation service can support you.

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PILLAR’s Technical Writers Provide Vital Resources for DOTs

Don’t face another day mired in paperwork. PILLAR has full-time technical writers ready to step in to develop contracts and technical documents for your agency. 

Technical writers are a critical resource for your transportation asset management and operations team because they create documentation, contracts and other written materials that help keep transportation systems moving forward.

Need maintenance contract development, equipment specifications, or technical writing? PILLAR has you covered. 

Critical Contract Development

Well-written contracts are a must-have for transportation asset management and operations to ensure the smooth operation of transportation systems, protect the interests of all parties involved and minimize legal risks.

These legally binding agreements with government agencies, contractors, suppliers, service providers and other organizations define and detail the terms, conditions, specifications, responsibilities and obligations of each party involved in various transportation projects or services.

It takes a savvy technical writer to draft contracts that are clear and complete. Experience matters too because transportation contracts can vary widely: There are construction contracts, maintenance contracts, procurement contracts, and service agreements with each type serving a specific transportation purpose.

PILLAR’s technical writers have skill to handle all your contract needs, including:

Drafting contract documents, including their terms and conditions

  • Negotiating contract terms with stakeholders
  • Ensuring legal compliance and risk mitigation
  • Managing changes and amendments to contracts
  • Resolving disputes and conflicts arising from contracts

Essential Documentation

Technical writers must also generate clear, concise, and accurate documentation that helps transportation systems operate efficiently, meets all legal and regulatory requirements and, most importantly, prevents bad days from happening by keeping motorists and transportation personnel safe.

Technical writers produce a wide range of transportation documents:

  • Asset management plans outline strategies for acquiring, maintaining, and optimizing transportation assets.
  • Operations manuals provide detailed instructions for operating and maintaining transportation systems and equipment.
  • Safety guidelines detail safety protocols and procedures for transportation personnel.
  • Regulatory compliance documentation help your team meet legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Equipment specifications for routine or specialized maintenance equipment

PILLAR’s writers provide the complete package and are proficient in:

  • Researching and understanding complex technical information
  • Writing and editing documents to ensure clarity and accuracy
  • Collaborating with subject-matter experts to gather information
  • Organizing and structuring content for easy comprehension
  • Ensuring that documentation complies with industry standards and regulations

Contact Us Today

With PILLAR’s technical writers on your side, your team doesn’t need to feel understaffed or stress about budgeting to add a full-time writer. Our experienced technical writers are ready to support your team in creating rock solid contracts and detailed documentation whenever and however you need them. Fill out the form below or contact us by phone for more information and conquer your paperwork today.

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Don’t Slide on Slope Stabilization

As a transportation asset manager, one of your worst bad days is to receive an alert that a slope collapsed on one of your roadways. This treacherous situation can result in fatalities and/or roadway closures and require significant expenditures to repair. 

Put a plan in place to help prevent this bad day scenario from happening in the first place. Keep your slopes maintained and safe with a proactive management plan from PILLAR. In 2023, our team helped one DOT implement a slide prevention program by identifying over 15,000 square yards of slopes requiring stabilization BEFORE disaster struck — and our cutting-edge collection methods can help your agency do the same.

The Issue

Engineered slopes can become unstable over time from weather events, erosion and other factors. Stabilization counters these issues, protecting their long-term viability and preventing rockslides and other slope failures.

Slope stabilization includes a number of implemented techniques designed to remedy an unstable or inadequately stable slope. The purpose is to increase the Factor of Safety of a slope to a level that is considered adequate.

Stabilization methods vary depending on the slope, its location, and surround environment. 

The Solution

PILLAR’s proactive slope erosion mitigation planning offers thorough evaluation and remediation. Our approach includes:

Site assessment and engineering analysis. We combine the technology of Mobile LiDAR with on-the-ground manual inspection to evaluate the geological and hydrological characteristics of your slopes. Through this, our professionals can identify any potential instability triggers, such as rainfall, snowmelt, earthquakes, or human activities. Where needed, we will test the soil and rock properties for cohesion, friction and strength as well as assess the groundwater conditions. This gives you a complete and accurate picture of your slope.

Scaling. Removing loose or potentially unstable material improves the geography of a slope. Scaling is an efficient way to prevent rockslides on natural or newly created slopes and can be conducted regularly as part of routine maintenance. Scaling methods include hand or mechanical scaling or by small scale blasting, also known as trim blasting.

Structural measures. Reinforcement systems such as retaining walls, soil nails, micropiles, rock bolts and shear pins work externally to protect the slope from weather and erosion or work internally to give extra strength to the rock mass.  The PILLAR team has more than 100 years of combined experience working with and for municipalities and departments of transportation and has the expertise to ensure these measures are done in compliance with federal, state, and local regulations.

Non-structural measures. Landscaping and drainage provide additional protection to slopes. Added vegetation can improve slope stability by enhancing soil cohesion and fighting erosion. Drainage is critical to allow water to escape from rock slope, further mitigating the effects of erosion and freeze-thaw cycles that can fracture rock. Drainage can include horizontal weep drains or holes drilled into large rock faces. 

Continual monitoring and maintenance. PILLAR’s support doesn’t end with recommendations. We remain vigilant over time, continually assessing your slopes for any signs of deterioration or instability.

Emergency response and public awareness. We ensure that slope stabilization work includes the proper signage needed to raise awareness to the traveling public about stabilization efforts and potential hazards. In the unfortunate event of an unexpected slop failure or natural disasters, PILLAR will be beside you to develop an emergency response plan.

Eradicate Unstable Slopes Today

Slope slides can be deadly, so make proactive stabilization priority No. 1. With unmatched experience and state-of-the-art technology, PILLAR is your trusted slope erosion mitigation  partner. Contact us today for a complimentary consultation, and let’s make your slopes — and roadways — the safest they can be.

Complete the contact form below to learn more about our services.

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Time for Roadside Vegetation Maintenance:
Ensuring Safer Roads

It’s time to gear up your crews for a crucial task. As the trees prepare to shed their leaves in preparation for fall and winter, the upcoming months provide an ideal opportunity to tackle essential roadside tree trimming and highway vegetation control. This initiative not only enhances the safety of your community’s roadways but also benefits all those who travel on them.

Here are several compelling reasons why regular roadside tree trimming should be a top priority:

1.) Enhanced Safety

Unchecked growth of trees and shrubs can pose significant safety hazards for road users. Overgrown branches, shrubs, and other vegetation obstruct visibility, making it challenging for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians to spot crucial elements such as road signs, oncoming traffic, and the path of the road itself.

It’s imperative to remove any limbs or vegetation that obstruct a driver’s line of sight, especially in curves or at intersections. All signs should remain clearly visible from every angle and at a considerable distance. For instance, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation, critical signs like stop, yield, and wrong-way signs should be discernible from 250 feet away on roads with a 30mph speed limit and 600 feet away on roads with a 60mph speed limit.

2.) Tree Health

Regular and proper trimming practices help manage the growth of shrubs and trees, ensuring their continued health and strength. This reduces the likelihood of branches falling onto roadways and sidewalks, thus mitigating potential hazards.

It is essential to remove dead or ailing trees and shrubs, as these could become serious threats to road users.

3.) Infrastructure Health

Trees and shrubs possess aggressive root systems that can penetrate pavement and affect drainage pipes and other roadside infrastructure. Eliminating young trees near roadways can prevent future issues from arising.

Vegetation adjacent to roadways can also disrupt stormwater drainage, leading to water accumulation on and near the road. This not only damages pavement but also creates safety concerns for vehicles.

Additionally, removing trees near the road facilitates snow plowing and prevents the development of unexpected icy patches during winter months.

4.) Cost-Efficiency

In simple terms, the cost of routine tree and shrub maintenance and brush removal is minimal compared to the potential damage they can cause. Taking proactive measures is far more cost-effective than reacting to the aftermath of accidents or incidents involving trees, brush, or other vegetation.

Establishing a comprehensive vegetation maintenance plan and implementing it can also reduce liability in case of unfortunate incidents involving trees, brush, or vegetation.

Create a Plan with PILLAR

PILLAR is your trusted partner in devising an effective and proactive vegetation management plan to save time, money, and lives. 

PILLAR offers a range of services, from identifying problematic areas and prioritizing needs to drafting contracts and budgeting, for DOTs of every size. Our satisfied partners include a DOT that needed to address overgrown trees and vegetation over 500 centerline miles plus corresponding ramps and intersections. 

Our expertise and experience guarantee the successful management of your plan.  Contact us today for a complimentary consultation, and let’s make your roadways safer for all.

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Can You Read the Signs?
Inventory and Fix Faded & Missing Roadway Signs Quickly

The traveling public relies on roadway signs for navigation and information. But keeping track of hundreds or thousands of signs is a challenge. PILLAR’s inventory service and assessment tools will help you replace faded and missing roadway signs and stop potential problems for drivers before they start.

Signs of Trouble

Faded roadway signs. Drivers rely on a sign’s brightness and reflectivity to get information at a glance. Faded signs are frustrating and can be dangerous.

Missing signs. Signs go missing regularly for a variety of reasons, such as unreported accidents, theft and extreme weather. 

Misplaced signs. It can be a challenge for DOTs and localities to map out every existing sign or even know if they’re installed in the best location. 

Boost Your Signal

PILLAR has the solution. We’ve helped DOT districts of all sizes collect inventory and mark the location of their signs — including a project that has 100,000+ signage assets. We then assess the condition of those assets, create a detailed list of damaged and missing assets with cost estimates and put a replacement program in place for the DOT or municipal operations and maintenance division to follow.

No matter your staffing levels, PILLAR will help you work smarter throughout the lifespan of your roadway signage with our multi-phased approach:


PILLAR has the expertise to use various inventory collection methods, from high-tech Mobile LiDAR scanning to traditional surveying to locate all of your roadway signs at marked speeds. We map, catalog and document your assets, putting valuable information at your fingertips.


PILLAR’s team of specialized condition assessors then reviews your assets, offering a full range of expert evaluation, including:

  • Predictive data analytics, proving an estimate of when a sign will need replaced
  • Visual inspection
  • Condition rating
  • Life expectancy
  • Risk analysis


After inspection, the PILLAR team will create a proactive and cost-effective asset management plan for any needed roadway sign replacement that includes cost estimates and cost-saving options over the long term. Recommendations may include:

  • Priority based replacement
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Area clustering, or replacing multiple signs in a specific area to save on labor and equipment costs
  • Consider switching to smart signs that are dynamic and allow motorists to see critical information immediately


Our team can collaborate with your employees and event track all the details of your management plan, including: 

  • Contacting, supporting in-house employees or hired contractors
  • Scheduling
  • Installation

Once your plan is executed, PILLAR continues our work with continued data management, regularly updating your signage catalog and monitor the condition of your assets. We can even deploy technology such as RFID or QR codes to monitor each sign’s condition and maintenance history.

Monitor Your Signs Better with PILLAR

Faded and missing roadway signs aren’t just unsightly, they can be dangerous for drivers. With PILLAR’s inventory service and assessment tools, your municipality will have a trusted partner and a proactive plan for roadway sign replacement. Contact PILLAR for a free consultation and see how we can help.

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Solving Congested Rest & Parking Areas for Commercial Drivers

According to the American Trucking Association, there were 3.54 million truck drivers working in American in 2022. That’s a 1.5% increase from 2021. The industry is exploding thanks in no small part to the continuing increase in e-commerce, which has significantly increased demand of delivery services. 

Unfortunately, truck parking capacity has not been able to keep pace with the high industry growth, creating a series of bad days for commercial drivers and their employers.

Trucking’s Parking Problem

The trucking industry has struggled with congested rest and parking areas for commercial drivers for over a decade. The Federal Highway Administration estimates that there are just 300,000 spaces available and many states have closed down rest areas as part of cost-cutting strategies. Drivers themselves often have to sacrifice valuable drive time to find and claim a safe spot, if they can find one.

It’s not uncommon for drivers to enter rest areas only to find that they are completely full. This situation forces them to park in unsafe conditions on the side of busy highways, or drive the wrong way in an effort to leave the full rest area in search of another. 

Asset Management Solutions to Congested Rest Areas

The parking issue for trucking companies is a serious safety and liability issue. Trucks moving against traffic, parked on highway shoulders, or fatigued commercial drivers behind the wheel can cause life-threatening accidents for themselves and other drivers sharing the road.  

PILLAR can help prevent unsafe conditions by implementing an effective mix of technology and thoughtful planning.  

  • Parking Availability Counters: When it comes to rest areas, communication is key. PILLAR can equip rest areas with parking space counters that telegraph the number of available spaces before a truck ever pulls into the lot.
  • Signage: Truckers should never back up or drive against rest area traffic. We work with you to install appropriate signage to guide drivers through a rest area and back onto the highway in accordance with the traffic pattern. 
  • Parking Availability Communication: Good communication can result in good organization. Using weight sensing traffic counters, PILLAR can devise and implement a system of communication that keeps drivers informed while on their routes.
  • Rest Area Reconfiguration: Building new rest areas or even adding additional space for parking spots can be cost prohibitive for some municipalities. We can help make the most efficient use of existing rest area footprint. By reconfiguring the layout of your rest area, we can make more spaces available and mitigate expenses. 

Contact PILLAR and Resolve Congested Rest & Parking Areas for Commercial Drivers

PILLAR is a transportation asset management firm dedicated to maximizing the lifecycle of your assets. Our multidisciplinary team of experts is ready to help you stop bad days before the start through proactive collection, assessment, planning, and execution. Work smarter, not harder with PILLAR. Contact us for help managing your congested rest and parking areas.

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Don’t Let Unpaid Third-Party Damage Claims Cause a Bad Day.  
PILLAR Can Help.

Let’s face it, traffic accidents cause bad days for all involved. Unfortunately, for transportation asset managers getting the damage repaired is often just the beginning of the bad day saga. Collecting third-party damage claims from a driver’s insurance company is critical to getting funds you need. If not dealt with quickly and thoroughly, DOTs can lose millions in claims that they’re owed. But navigating the complicated collection process is time consuming and frustrating. 

Get the insurance money you’re owed. 

Don’t miss out on insurance recovery claims on damaged assets. PILLAR can help with a team of multi-disciplined professionals who take the complexities out of the collection process. We will work to identify the damage, investigate the circumstances and help you build a claim package that’s ready to submit. 

Our work speaks for itself. PILLAR’s has helped one DOT collect over $4.5 million in third-party damage claims over the past five years.

PILLAR Helps You Save Valuable Time and Money 

With PILLAR, you can identify and investigate damages faster and more efficiently. You’ll see significantly higher collection rates, which frees up budget for transportation management initiatives. We put in the work to identify and investigate damages and put together a claim package to save you time and money.

We can help clients identify asset damage in a number of ways, including our connected infrastructure sensors which provide alerts when there is an impact or other issue, our team in the field sites a problem, or we are alerted by the DOT to send our team out. 

Then, PILLAR’s professionals begin gathering information in the field — everything from the time, date, location and photographs of the damage to the names and contact information of the law enforcement officers who responded after the damage was done. With decades of experience across the realm of transportation, our team has the experience to know that the more information we can collect from the scene, the better for the DOT. 

PILLAR generates an estimate of the damages, collects copies of the law enforcement reports through your state’s Department of Motor Vehicle system, and then compiles everything into a claims package for a DOT’s district accounting specialist for processing and collection.

No More Guesswork on Third-Party Damage Claims

Stop your bad days before they start. With PILLAR you will have the peace of mind that your damage claims are being managed proactively by a seasoned team of experts using the latest technology. 

Rely on our expertise to remove all the guesswork from the collection process.

Contact Us Today

Don’t let your damage collection process get bogged down in paperwork. Book a discovery meeting with PILLAR to learn more about how we can help you identify damage, investigate the circumstances, and build a case, making it easier to collect what you’re owed.

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The 2022 Infrastructure Law: Positioning Your Shovel-Ready
Transportation Project for Success

The 2022 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law addresses long-needed funding to state and local governments for thousands of “shovel-ready” transportation infrastructure improvement projects in all 50 states, D.C., and Puerto Rico. Over a period of five years, the law provides an unprecedented investment of $350 billion in highway programs for state and local governments to tackle long-overdue improvements to infrastructure.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is the largest investment in roads and bridges since President Eisenhower’s investment in the interstate highway system. While the law offers an exceptional amount of funding, competition is fierce. Keep reading for tips on how to present your shovel-ready transportation projects and successfully apply for funding for your state or locality.

What are Shovel Ready Projects?

Today, “shovel-ready” describes a transportation project that has fully completed planning, has necessary permits, and approvals in hand, and is ready to put people to work right away once funding is in place. If you’re interested in applying for funding through the 2022 Infrastructure Bill, it’s important to pick the right project to stand out in the application process while maintaining realistic goals for your current workflow.

How to Prepare for a Shovel-Ready Project

Construction never happens on a wing and a prayer. As any infrastructure professional knows, construction projects require careful planning, preparation, testing, and permitting long before gaining clearance to break ground. Doing the prep work prior to funding helps you stay prepared to seize opportunities when they arise. 

  1. Review the Project Priority List in Your Region: Identify priority projects for your region that align with the stated goals of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal. According to the White House, the goals of the deal are to, “rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind.” 
  2. Evaluate what steps are needed to qualify for shovel-ready status: Once you’ve identified a list of potential projects, it’s important to be realistic about which are closest to being shovel-ready.  Do any of the projects already have planning and regulatory compliance completed? If none of your projects are quite at the shovel-ready stage, try to find a project that would allow you to complete all the steps to getting shovel-ready in time to apply for funding. 
  3. Identify which type of funding is right for your project. The funding included in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is broken out into different types of programs and grants. Review their list of grant programs carefully to find which grant your project best qualifies for. This will increase your chances for successful funding. 
  4. Prepare your best proposal. You’ve done the difficult work of planning. Now it’s time to write your proposal. Gather all your data, paperwork, and permits, and start building a case for your project. 

PILLAR Can Help Get Your Projects Shovel-Ready

These steps seem straightforward but can be close to impossible for DOTs and organizations that are already stretched thin when it comes to time, resources, and manpower. That’s where PILLAR can help. We’re fully equipped to help you get your project to shovel-ready status, from start to finish.  We even have full-time proposal writers who have a track record of success.  They can devote time and expertise to help you get the funding you need. 

We are a trusted advisory partner that DOTs, municipalities, and P3 stakeholders rely on for fiscally responsible operations and maintenance. PILLAR can act as an extension of your agency, providing full-time expertise without the full-time price tag. From boots on the ground to technical writing, PILLAR’s combination of expertise and integrity has got you covered. Contact us to find out how we can get your projects shovel-ready today.

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Benefits of Proactive Culvert Cleaning

As summer heats up, so do thunderstorms. This can mean sudden inundation of heavy rain, increasing the risk of dangerous flooding for your assets. Flooding is a serious issue that is exacerbated by blocked culverts which can cause road collapse resulting in trapped residents at best and loss of life at worst. To stay ahead of the game, a proactive culvert condition assessment and cleaning plan helps prevent dangerous roadway flooding.

Reactive Culvert Cleaning Has a High Price Tag

Culverts can be difficult to access, making it easy to put off regularly assessing their condition. Unfortunately, with this approach asset managers only become aware of blocked culverts when a storm rolls in. By then it’s too late to prevent dangerous flooding or road collapse.

Addressing emergencies is paramount but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t challenging. Multiple high-stakes events can quickly exhaust staff, equipment, and budgets. Tasks get backlogged and expenses can mount including:

  • Labor costs in the form of wages and benefits for the crew members who work on the emergency mobilization.
  • Equipment costs such as renting or deploying any necessary equipment like excavators, dump trucks, or bulldozers.
  • Transportation costs include transporting the crew and equipment to the job site.
  • Overtime pay can be a factor if the emergency mobilization requires work outside of normal business hours.
  • Permits and fees might be required to carry out the emergency mobilization.
  • Material costs can include any materials needed for the job such as sand, gravel, or concrete.

Proactive Culvert Cleaning Saves Time, Money, and Lives

For years, PILLAR has helped municipalities and DOTs manage assets.  In addition to our planning and execution expertise, we have tools that makes it easy to collect geospatial data in underground assets. We deploy the DeepTrekker 240 L Pipe Crawler robot to safely and efficiently identify culvert conditions and possible flaws. It’s portable, submersible, and can access areas that are difficult or unsafe for humans to enter.  Its rugged design and camera with full functionality give you complete control of your data collection and assessment.

When you combine this tool with a management plan created specifically for culverts in your service area, you’ll have a proactive plan that allows you to schedule crews to maintain culverts regular hours in good weather. You’ll likely experience less flooding and safer roadways too.

This planned approach saves you time and money because you’ll have less backlogged tasks and unplanned expense related to crisis management. And your team will love the culture of sustainability that develops as a result.

Contact PILLAR

Creating a proactive plan for your transportation assets doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With our decades of combined experience, PILLAR can help you stay in front of potential emergencies like clogged culverts. Book a discovery meeting with PILLAR to learn more about how we can help you develop a systematic solution for your transportation infrastructure.